
The 加里·霍洛维茨 服务学习 Program at Alfred University

加里·霍洛维茨服务学习计划的目标是培养社会责任和社区参与的环境, 并让学生为他们生活和工作的社区的公民角色做好准备.


Dr. 加里·霍洛维茨

Dr. Horowitz served Alfred University for 28 years, first as a member of the 历史 教师, then director of 校友 and Parent 项目, and finally as Senior Development Officer in University Advancement. 此外,博士. Horowitz was highly involved in the Alfred community, 担任艾尔弗雷德村的市长和公益金董事会成员, as well as other civic and cultural groups. He was also a publisher of the Alfred Sun, the community’s weekly newspaper.



Dr. Horowitz was an advocate for civic involvement. He urged his students to become active participants in the Alfred community, especially in ways that tied civic engagement to their academic studies and career aspirations. To continue this work and to honor Dr. Horowitz’ dedication to the Village of Alfred, 他以前的学生与在线赌博合作创建了加里·霍洛维茨服务学习计划.


学生 cleaning up local state forest trails

加里·霍洛维茨服务学习计划的使命是帮助在线赌博的学生发展有意义的服务学习机会. These opportunities will foster a sense of civic responsibility, provide workforce-applicable experiences and skills, and develop an extended sense of mutually beneficial community among students, 教职员工, 以及社区伙伴.

服务学习是一种将有意义的社区服务与指导和反思相结合以丰富学习经验的教与学策略, 教导公民责任, 加强社区.

Alfred University has a long history of providing service learning opportunities for students. 公民参与的新方法和机会不断发展,并适应校园和整个社区的变化. 每学期, courses with a 服务学习 designation are offered in various academic departments; these courses offer students the opportunity to become engaged in the community through scholastic pursuits. A great variety of volunteer opportunities are also available for students, 教师, and staff who are interested in volunteering on an individual or group basis.

Concepts of 服务学习 (UNIV 115) is open to all Alfred University students, regardless of intended major or class year. 服务学习概念被交叉列为社会公正研究辅修课程(SJST 115)。, 课程内容包括阅读和讨论公民参与的理想,以及为所有社会成员争取公平意味着什么.

这个2.000学时的课程结合了每周的课堂会议和在当地社区的服务时间,探索参与服务学习作为一种实现和展示公民参与的方式意味着什么. 每个学生在学期中选择一个社会正义问题进行调查,为最后的报告做准备,将他们的社会正义研究与他们的服务经历结合起来. 班级每周聚一小时,讨论指定的阅读材料和学生对服务的思考, 社会正义, 课程内容.

Benefits of service learning:

  • 学生 enrolled in service learning courses develop a deeper understanding of course content, leading to better grades and higher satisfaction with their courses.
  • The service learning experience can lead to stronger social networks with other students, 教师, 以及社区伙伴.
  • Service learning provides students with an earlier career focus, more clearly defined career goals, 以及适合市场的技能.
  • 通过服务学习获得的实际经验可以帮助学生做出决策,提高他们的就业潜力.
  • 参加服务学习课程的学生通常会培养出更强的自我意识和更高的自尊.
  • 参与服务学习体验会使您更深入地参与并融入阿尔弗雷德社区.

学生 can search for courses with a service learning component in Banner. 与服务学习协调员联系,询问有关服务学习课程和社区志愿者机会的问题.

加里·霍洛维茨服务学习计划为将服务项目纳入课堂课程的教师提供支持. 这个项目有资源, including contacts with local community service agencies and organizations, to assist 教师 in developing service learning courses.

  • Service learning brings a dimension of civic engagement and responsibility into the classroom.
  • 学生将能够把在课堂上学到的抽象概念和实践应用到服务项目中, leading to a deeper understanding of course material.
  • Service connections encourage class participation and engagement.
  • 在你的课程中加入服务学习的内容也提供了一个通过专业出版物和会议演讲与同事分享你的经验的机会.

Courses which include a service learning component may receive a designation in Banner, which allows students to search for courses with the service learning attribute. In order for a course to receive the SL Designation, a designation request must be submitted for approval from the 服务学习 Advisory Board. Contact the 服务学习 Coordinator with questions.

加里·霍洛维茨服务学习计划渴望培养学生通过服务与社区互动的机会. Using Handshake, community partners can post volunteer opportunities for students. 有兴趣招募学生志愿者或参加服务日项目的非营利机构和社区服务组织应联系服务学习协调员.


加里·霍洛维茨服务学习计划支持在线赌博的年度无党派选民登记工作, 与学生参与中心和贾德森领导中心合作, as well as with other offices and with other partners on campus. The 选民登记 Team also collaborates with off-campus partners, such as the ALL-IN Campus Democracy Challenge, NASPA 和 Campus Vote Project, 妇女选民联盟, 和 Allegany County Board of Elections. Alfred University’s annual voter registration drive includes email, 社交媒体, and poster campaigns; tabling; voter education and civic engagement programming; and get-out-the-vote efforts leading up to and including primary elections and Election Day.


Alfred University has received several recognitions for its voter registration efforts, including recognition as a Voter-Friendly Campus (2018) from the Campus Vote Project, a Silver Seal (2019) from the ALL-IN Campus Democracy Challenge, and designation as one of America’s best colleges for student 投票 (2020) from 《在线赌博》.

学生, 教师, and staff with questions about registering to vote, 投票, 或合作支持非盟选民登记小组的年度工作,请联系服务学习协调员以获取更多信息.


U.S. Voting and Elections Information

New York State Board of Elections

Allegany County Board of Elections

你的选票上有什么? (Ballotpedia)

在线赌博致力于在自然灾害发生后帮助当地社区和更远的社区. The following guidelines from the Corporation for National and 社区 ServiceCenter for International Disaster Information will help maximize the impact of our contributions to disaster relief efforts.

  • 首先,寄钱: 处理, 排序, 分发捐赠物品需要时间,这是救援人员在危机发生后所没有的时间. 财政捐助可以立即提供救济,而不会给当地援助人员和组织增加压力.
  • Donate to local organizations: local relief organizations know the community. 使用以下网站 “慈善导航 to find trusted relief organizations. Choose an agency or organization with a mission that you support: food banks, 儿童援助, 当地人道协会, 血液和组织库, 健康中心, and other organizations all need assistance.
  • 发送物资前询问: 在将货物运送到灾后重建的社区之前,一定要与当地的救援机构核实. Those on the ground know which items are most needed.
  • 在去帮忙之前先等一等: communities recovering from disasters will need support for many years, 一旦当地的基础设施能够容纳外地志愿者,额外的劳动力将是最受欢迎的.